Lee Pace joins facebook and answers questions from fans
Lee Pace has just finished his first facebook Q&A, done on Halt and Catch Fire official page. But before we go through that, I have some great news to share – Lee can now be found on facebook! Click here to follow his page.

Here are the questions Lee answered tonight.
Q: Favorite 80’s music?
A: im a big music fan and the music from the early 80s is so diverse and cool….The Clash. New Order. Micheal Jackson. who else? what are your favorites?Q: Of all characters you’ve portrayed, which one is your favorite and which one is the most like yourself?
A: Ill always have a soft spot for the piemaker.Q: Hi Lee. What made you interested in doing this series? And also, any word on more Daisies?
A: Joe was a riddle i wanted to solve. i accepted him to be an effective person, he’s a Winner… and i wanted to know more about ‘that guy’. i guess one of the conclusions i’ve come to after filming season one, is that ‘that guy’ is just a myth.Q: Hi Lee! I really want to know, which movie(s) has motivated you to become an actor?
A: hanks for the question! When I was 16 or 17, all I did was watch movies. Old Deer Hunter, the incredible movies from the early 80s. The Godfather. At the time, incredible people were making movies and showcasing incredible performances. Robert De Niro. Just incredible actors making movies one after the other. The Graduate. Tootsie. Marathon Man.Q: Hi Lee! When you play Joe do you ever lace traits from other characters you have played in the past? Also who is you’re favorite character you have played so far? Thank you for taking the time to read!
A: It’s not intentional but I wouldn’t be surprised if other characters come through. It’s hard to pick a favorite, too. But I love Ned and I loved Roy Walker from The Fall.Q: What are your influences/inspiration for Joe Macmillan – either direct or indirect? Thank you!
A: Ivan Boesky. Michael Milken. The infamous corporate raiders of the early 80’s… innovators like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs… those were men that i found very interesting while researching, and Joe might aspire to be… Joe is an unformed person in many ways. Hes like a baby. Babies take up a lot of space. when they laugh, you feel joy; when they cry, you feel worry. they are loud; they get what they need… i guess you could say the same thing about a bear.Q: Could you send me Mackenzie’s number?
A: Good question 🙂Q: Mac or PC
A: Mac.Q: Hi, Lee! How does it feel going back to 1983?
A: Fun. Why not? It’s an exciting time.Q: Will more of Joe’s secrets and personality come out in the next few episodes?
A: To Joe, it’s less about secrets and more that he needs to know himself. He needs to go down that path so he knows himself better. How is anyone else going to know him if he doesn’t know himself?Q: How confident is Joe, REALLY. Is his machismo a put on to stir action in others, or is that who he really is?
A: I think in a lot of ways Joe’s confidence is all he’s got.Q: Any similarities with Joes character from real Lee? Or are you different and how?
A: I don’t share a lot of the values that Joe MacMillan has, but I do admire his balls. I admire how courageous he is.Q: What was your favourite scene in H&CF?
A: I love the reverse engineering sequence in the pilot episode. I think you can see Joe’s enthusiasm and his infectious excitement and personality. That’s really key to who he is.Q: Lee, do you have much input in shaping Joe’s personality? Is it a challenge to portray a character who is so driven he is capable of anything?
A: It’s fun to play the character. But his ambition is as much to his detriment as to his benefit. What’s the point of getting what you want if you don’t know what you want?Q: Do you have any interest in computers?
A: Im a curious person. its been interesting to learn a lot about a subject i know very little about. coding. the mechanics of a mother board. its interesting stuff.Q: Hey Lee – Yesterday, Heiyin Y. asked “What is the hardest part playing this character?”
A: learning the lines. and saying them in the right order.just kidding.
Seriously, thanks for the question. I’m intrigued by joe as well. and i guess there are a lot of answers. hes not an easy man to understand, and im still learning.
his unprincipled ambition. his wild aspiration….
joe is an unhinged man. He lives a fantasy of his own creation. He is tenacious and will not rest until the world matches the possibility that he can visualize… thats not a sane, or respectful way to live.
I love Joe. I defend him, even when he does despicable things.
Joe knows who he WANTS to be… but he doesnt know who he IS. Who am I, really? Its an important question for a man to face… and its time joe started to ask it.Q: Here’s a question from Jessica K.: “Hi Lee! How are you? I hope you’re doing well. You’ve embodied so many different characters (quite well, may I add) throughout your career as an actor. Do you have a set process for preparing yourself for the characters you play, or does it differ with each persona? Thanks, and have a lovely day.”
A: hey. thanks for the question. the process is always different. always different inspirations. different cast of characters.Q: Ok! Our last last question was left by Anthony H. yesterday: “What was the most challenging aspect of doing this particular show? I love the show!”
A: forgetting what i know. letting go of everything we have gained in the past 30 years… this is a time before computers became ubiquitous tools in our lives…. there is an innocence to the show.
He added, “great questions tonight. thanks for your interest. appreciate you watching the show.”
March 24th, 2017
Hello, Lee! You ‘ve said you have chickens, dogs, a cat…I saw lovely photos of them but from the cat..I couldn’t find any photo. I hope you post one soon? What’s his/her name? Thanks! Always amazed by your great performances…