Lee: “Acting is a weird job.”

Mar 17 • by Ursa • No CommentsInterviews

Lee has been jogging with James on his last day of Golden Age play. They’ve been running across the Central park and discussing his fans, [Golden Age] play and movies. When asked about apparently preferring theatre to film and TV given his continual penchant for the stage, Pace enthusiastically states, “I don’t know – I just like to work!” but he admits that, “There is nothing better than doing a play in New York. It becomes, like, a really interesting chapter in your life,” and described acting as “A weird job – a really weird job.” Lee and James also discussed Mr. Pace’s Lincoln character and his Breakng Dawn part. Lee revealed that many Twihard fans came to see his play and told: “I just appreciate that Twilight really does bring a community of people together.”
James also gave Lee Oprah, Martha Stewart, and Queen Elizabeth II to choose between in Marry, Shag, Throw off a Cliff game. Watch the video bellow to see his answer.

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